Memorials and a peace rally this weekend will celebrate the lives of those lost and comfort a mourning community after a deadly shooting earlier this week in Severn.

According to the Anne Arundel County Police Department, a dispute at the basketball court in the 8100 block of Meade Village Road escalated into an exchange of gunfire. Derrick Purcell Ahmad McDonald, 23, and Mack Samuel Galloway III, 28, died, and two others were hurt.

The police continue to investigate while the community mourns a tragedy that took place at what some say is typically a “neutral spot.”

Randy Curtis, who works for the Anne Arundel County Partnership for Children, Youth and Families and provides guidance for local nonprofit Kingdom Kares’ Man Up program, said a men’s basketball league called Tunnel Vision competes at the Meade Village Road basketball court in the summer.

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“It [the basketball court] was a pillar staple of the communities coming together at that location. So, to have the guys who got shot get shot at the basketball court was a significant blow to the community,” Curtis said.

Curtis said he was devastated to learn what took place at the court earlier this week.

“We were praying that there would be no violence for 2025, and then we got this phone call and text message the other night,” Curtis said. “My heart sank. Honestly, I just got on my knees, prayed, I cried a little bit and just said, ‘OK, God, give me the strength to be a comfort to those that are really hurting and mourning. How can we galvanize the community and begin the healing process?’ ”

Man Up, a violence prevention and interruption program Curtis works with, is leading a peace rally on Saturday at 11 a.m. starting and ending at the Meade Village basketball court. The group is planning to walk around the neighborhood reciting chants and expects elected officials and community members to join them.

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In addition to the peace rally, victims’ family members are hosting a balloon release Friday at 6:30 p.m. at the basketball court. They are requesting participants to bring silver and black balloons.