What’s the job: Would serve as one of Maryland’s eight members of the 435-member U.S. House of Representatives. Responsible for introducing and voting on legislation, approving federal spending and providing oversight of federal government operations. The 4th Congressional District includes parts of Anne Arundel and Prince George’s counties.
Find your congressional district here.
Name: Glenn Ivey
Age: 63
Personal: Married, six children
Education: Bachelor’s degree, Princeton University; law degree, Harvard University
Experience: Former federal prosecutor, former Prince George’s County state’s attorney, member of Congress representing the 4th District since 2023
Endorsements: Full list here
Notable donors:
A: In 2023, I introduced my bill, the Raise the Age Act, that would protect the public by keeping assault weapons out of the hands of teenagers by applying the 21-year-old minimum age standard to buyers of semi-automatic centerfire rifles, just as it applies to handgun buyers.
A: Trump’s tax cuts handed new tax breaks to billionaires and big corporations and did not deliver all the promised economic benefits.
A: Making sure healthcare is affordable is one of my top priorities in Congress. We need to safeguard health care coverage for people with pre-existing conditions and deepen and expand access to quality health care for everyone. No one should ever have to worry about affording a lifesaving treatment or going bankrupt because they or someone they love falls seriously ill. Health care is a right – not a privilege – and I won’t stop fighting until it is universal. We must protect and build on the gains we’ve made under the Affordable Care Act. We won’t go back to the days when insurance companies could impose monetary limits on your coverage, kick young adults off their parents’ plans, deny coverage to people for a pre-existing condition like cancer, or even charge women more for their health care. We must continue to fight to lower costs for all Americans.
A: No.
A: No.
A: Yes.
A: Yes.
A: As a supporter of a 21st-century immigration system, we need a system that reflects our values, repairs past harm, heals our communities, rebuilds our economy, and renews our global leadership. I am also a strong supporter of giving Customs and Border Patrol the resources they need to get the job done.
A: I would have voted in support of the bipartisan immigration bill to address the problems at the border. You need Congress to step in to give the secretary and the president the tools that they need to address these problems, and the resources to have enough places to hold the people as they come across, enough judges to hear the cases, enough border patrol agents to defend the border.
A: There’s no question that government shutdowns are devastating in our region and across the country. I am committed to working to ensure the government is funded and engaging in negotiations to ensure that happens.
A: We must strive toward peace in Gaza. The United States, Israel, Qatar, and other countries must continue to engage in diplomacy that promotes a two-state solution and prevents needless harm to civilians. We must continue to engage with international leaders and work to build a coalition that can promote a bilateral ceasefire, lasting peace in the region, and rebuild Gaza with a representative government for the Palestinian people.
A: Yes, as a former prosecutor, I advocated for common-sense gun reforms in the state of Maryland. I don’t believe in protecting the Second Amendment over children and their families. We must take action and support commonsense reforms to address our country’s gun epidemic.
A: During my term in Congress, I have secured much needed federal funding for Prince George’s County. As a former prosecutor, I have been influential on the House Judiciary Committee as we have taken up major issues facing our country and the Fourth Congressional District. I am asking for your support so we can continue building on our victories in Washington!
Name: George McDermott
Age: 79
Education: Graduate of a New Jersey adult education program
Experience: Full-time victims’ rights advocate, fighting for the victims of judicial and legislative abuse of power. Former assistant baker at an Italian bakery.
Endorsements: None
Notable donors: None
A: Introduce legislation requiring The Supreme Court and the US House of Representatives to answer a certification of a question of law certifying the following laws which were put into effect without a constitutional amendment. (”Title 8, 22 & 28 USC December 26th 1933 49 Statute 3097 Treaty Series 881 (Convention on Rights and Duties of States) stated CONGRESS replaced STATUTES with international law, placing all states under international law. REPORT THIS AD December 9th 1945 International Organization Immunities Act relinquished every public office of the United States to the United Nations. & Title 28 USC 3002 Section 15A states that the United States is a Federal Corporation and not a Government, including the Judiciary Procedural Section. As well as U.S.C code Title 28 USC 1602-1611 (Foreign Sovereign Immunities Act) ,,?
A: Absolutely. These tax cuts are costing our nation trillions of dollars in tax evasion by corporate interest and only benefit the wealthy at the expense of noncorporate citizens. Who have been lied to about the true state of our sham Corporate Government. Which has been hijacked by the American Bar Association and its unlicensed lawyers to the detriment. Of we the peoples of the United States whose are being lied to by now foreign agents (see Title 28 USC 1602-1611 (Foreign Sovereign Immunities Act) Federal Rules of Civil Procedure 12b 6 the prosecution has failed to provide adequate proof that the parties involved in this situation are actually corporate entities. I have provided ample proof that the prosecution and other agents are actually corporations.. Were tired of having our properties stolen by lying thieving lawyers and disrespectful judges who won’t produce their oath of office as required under Title U.S.C. 2902 et seq.
A: Yes. We have to stop waste fraud and abuse by corporate hospitals medical providers and pharmaceutical companies who rely on lying thieving lawyers to cover their claims. This is a case before the US Court of Appeals Case No.: 24-7098 in DC presently where a whistleblower exposed $1.4 trillion fraud case. And was rewarded for his by actions government agents Retaliating forcing him into bankruptcy to protect thieving lawyers and judges and corporate insiders as well as FBI agents. Failing to perform their legal duties. Healthcare Waste fraud and abuse must be addressed by all nations FBI and Justice Department. And the US Justice Department insiders.
A: No.
A: No.
A: Yes.
A: Yes
A: Absolutely, but because of political partisanship are current House and Senate are incapable of performing honest services to our citizens, because it would expose the dark money received by corporate candidates, political action committees, and special interest groups profiteering off of the crisis at the border which could easily be eradicated. If the United States complied with treaties and international human rights Tribunal commitments.
There is little a freshman candidate for Congress can do the conflict not only involving Israel’s sovereignty wars are started by corporations who believe in total dominance over others through waging war. Everyone has a right to protect their own sovereign territory. We have more to worry about in the Far East my response to yet another survey another survey this leather survey as stated in a (“MY Answer. The People’s liberation Army and Communist Party is definitely a threat to to not only America but to democracy worldwide currently it’s published that the US military complex has 2.079 million active-duty personnel and the attorneys have a 2.200 million active-duty personnel are already seeing the conflict in the South China Sea, the Sea of Japan, and their affiliation with Russia not to mention their assault on our sovereign allies the Philippines and Taiwan this is why we need NATO as an ally these alliances are the only thing keeping the balance of power around the world. We must prevent their incursions against the Philippines, Taiwan and South Korea to sustain the balance of power and freedom/democracy here and around the world Congress must stop its infighting and political partisanship and work for the people of these United States. Their employers or is the United States Inc. as it appears to be published - Title 28 USC 3002 Section 15A states that the United States is a Federal Corporation and not a Government, including the Judiciary Procedural Section.”). We can all pray for peace.
Here are my views on assault weapons from the survey supplied to the 2024 federal candidate survey 2024. Will you commit to supporting federal legislation regulating military-style semiautomatic weapons for civilian use? Comments (Question 7): Yes absolutely. This Candidate will support federal and state legislation designed to keep these military-style weapons out of the hands of the general public unless they are sold after background checks, a registered and signed affidavit assuring of the proper storage is presented to the seller to be recorded by the purchaser. 8. Large capacity ammunition magazines have enabled mass shooters to perpetrate heinous acts, shooting large numbers of people by continuing to fire without reloading. In the time it takes to change magazines, perpetrators can be – and have been – stopped from committing further carnage. Large capacity ammunition magazines are unsuitable for sport or home protection and pose a grave danger to our communities.
Truth, honesty, and dedication to preserving the rule of law, our founding father’s vision of the United States, and the rule of law. This candidate is seen as the second justice and deprivation of rights in our nation’s court over the past 28 years. Not only has this candidate for the Godfather the Jewish mafia to the East Coast for 28 years and his associates with the theft of candidate and partners’ business assets for 5 dollars is also petitioned the remember the United States House of Representatives, United States Senate, United States Attorney General’s office and state Attorney General’s office on behalf of victims but she has intervened in the cases before judges who did not have valid credentials Attorney General to did not have valid credentials and even private attorneys acting as unbonded states attorney’s agents stealing tens of millions of dollars with the help of their mob related judges in our state in federal court systems I think this morning qualifies this candidate to run for office. Because of economic terrorism candidate has never had more than 300 dollars to run for office, and yet he has achieved now the right to proceed to the general election in 2024 by his constituents who have consistently voted between 60 and 70,000 registered votes for this candidate efforts What legacy would you like to leave? A person who stood up for truth and justice, against the criminal misconduct of our corporate judges, attorneys, and mafia agents who stole my businesses and force me close 6 other businesses beside Crystal Skate of Maryland Inc. at 3132 Branch Avenue, Temple Hills Maryland by myself and my partners designed and built managed that business which we had invested almost 2,000,000 dollars and but was stolen by the judges of Prince Georges County Maryland and bonded court agents assisting Gilbert Saperstein crime syndicate and its agents, Peter Parker Esquire disbarred to represent Spiro T Agnew as a defense counsel in his impeachment, along with Wayne A. Bowie and their brother-in-law Judge Thomas P Smith a truly corrupt insider judge and brother-in-law of the mafia agents Peter Parker who stole the business for allegedly 5 dollars in a sham contract is a record attest to USDC- DC case #1: – 98 – CV – 01235-TPJ in the matter of George McDermott versus DOJ et al.. The candidate is still fighting to gain back control of this business 2,000,000 dollars worth of assets were stolen by the court’s latest case in the same court case 1:16 – CV – 532 standing up for your rights and liberties and those of your fellow citizens is what I would like to be known for.