Baltimore’s anger is not just out of the helplessness we feel over what happened to the Key Bridge, but at the absolute asinine response across the media — social, televised and otherwise.
I don’t know where Princess Catherine is. But as a reporter, I know the royals are handling the PR around this hot mess express all wrong. Just ask Jack Ryan.
Bill Kramer, the CEO of the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences and a Timonium native, talks about his passion for films and the cinematic beauty of Baltimore.
Thematic threads in all the Oscar nominees for best picture reflect the difficult but still strangely hopeful space we find ourselves in right now, around the world and here in Baltimore.
To better understand the perseverance of so-called “cancel culture” when it comes to people like Kid Rock and Beyoncé, I talked to those on the frontlines of cancellation controversies: radio personalities.