Darryll J. Pines, president of the University of Maryland, College Park, and Bruce E. Jarrell, president of the University of Maryland, Baltimore, says collaborations have created over 1,000 jobs.
Dr. Dan Morhaim, a former state delegate, says passing the Safe Hospital Staffing Act will improve patient care by making sure hospitals have adequate staffing.
Benjamin Schmitt, president of the Howard County Education Association, says students with disabilities deserve fairness when it comes to educational funding priorities.
Baltimore County government should reconsider its Urban Rural Demarcation Line to address its housing crisis, says Sharonda Dillard-Huffman, a candidate for Baltimore County Council.
Christine Pendzich, a 350MoCo steering committee member, says lawmakers should stop promoting outdated natural gas technology and instead focus on lower-cost and healthier renewable solutions.
A recent Baltimore Banner story about raw milk was highly irresponsible in its failure to provide sufficient factual information alongside the opinions of raw milk proponents, writes Baltimore resident Caitlin O’Donnell.
Al Redmer Jr., executive director of Maryland Auto Insurance, says the difficulties facing students getting to school on time are likely exacerbated by problems many people face getting auto insurance.
President Donald Trump’s executive order prohibiting any hospital receiving federal funds from practicing gender-affirming care for youths callously disregards the needs of children who are both gender- and neurodiverse, a letter writer says.
A proposed bill to allow Marylanders to vote on a constitutional amendment to allow workers to collectively bargain would protect them against anti-union actions, both locally and nationally.
Providing access to healthy meals for all students tears down the stigma and barriers that come with food scarcity and need, writes Mary Kay Connerton, the Anne Arundel County Public Schools coordinator of wellness.
Wasteful, profit-driven capital spending that is delivering big for shareholders is to blame for BGE rate increases, says Emily Scarr, the senior Advisor of Maryland PIRG.
Selling beer and wine in grocery stores will not harm package goods retailers, says a reader and former chairman of the Maryland Alcohol and Tobacco Commission.
A new federal policy is designed to protect students by potentially penalizing colleges and universities that fail to provide graduates with a fair return on their investment.