Gershon Topas and his son Yov Topas are from Baltimore but moved to Israel. Yov had never been to an NFL game but is a huge fan. He proudly wore his Ravens sweatshirt as he went sightseeing at Buckingham Palace and was excited to wear his Justin Tucker jersey to Sunday’s game at Tottenham Hotspur Stadium.

“I feel really good; it’s going to be my first game!” Yov said. The trip was planned months ago for Yov’s birthday, and it happened to come at the right time to give the father and son a break from everything happening in their home of Israel.

Michael and Gail Navisky traveled from Baltimore and were excited to be “tourists until the game,” seeing sights, including Buckingham Palace, and enjoying their first time in London. The game offered a great reason for them to celebrate their anniversary in London.

Many people I spoke with used the game as an opportunity to spend time with family. One mother-daughter pair from Baltimore said they’d been looking for an away game to attend as part of a girls trip and decided London would be perfect since they had never been before.

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Another family has season tickets and attended the Ravens game in London in 2017. Robert Deguzman said the game was a reason “to travel with my family; we’re lifetime Ravens fans.” They said the game in 2017 was disappointing but felt good about the team’s chances.

Ravens fans cheer for the band as the bus drives around London the night before the teams matchup against the Tennessee Titans in London.
Ravens fans cheer for the band as the bus drives around London the night before the game. (Heather Diehl for The Baltimore Banner)
Ravens fans who traveled from Baltimore to London pose for a portrait on Oct. 14, 2023.
Fans who traveled from Baltimore to London pose for a portrait. (Heather Diehl/for The Baltimore Banner)

Many season-ticket holders traveled from Baltimore with the group BMORE Around Town. They went sightseeing, enjoyed parties and tailgates with former Raven Derrick Mason and former Oriole Adam Jones. They were decked out in their Ravens gear, crowns and even Ravens WWE championship belts.

Many fans were not traveling for their first time to attend a Ravens game. One couple, Jerry and Deidra Petty, live in Louisiana and make the trip consistently to Baltimore for home games. Another individual said he drives from Wilmington, North Carolina, to Baltimore for every home game.

Gershon Topas and his son Yov Topas wear their Ravens gear outside Buckingham Palace. (Heather Diehl/for The Baltimore Banner)

Oliver Meadows is not from Baltimore; he is from Wales, but his dedication to the team is strong. He drove from Wales and even slept in his car to be at the stadium early in the morning decked out in Ravens gear. He had also been at the game in London in 2017 and was ready to see the Ravens redeem themselves.

A Ravens fan from Baltimore celebrates in the final quarter of the Ravens game in Tottenham Hotspur Stadium on Oct. 15, 2023.
A Ravens fan from Baltimore celebrates in the final quarter of the team's win. (Heather Diehl/for The Baltimore Banner)
A Ravens fan shows off her Justin Tucker Crocs. (Heather Diehl/for The Baltimore Banner)
Jerry and Deidra Petty traveled from Louisiana to London to see the Ravens. (Heather Diehl/for The Baltimore Banner)
A ravens fan returns to his seat to watch the final quarter of the Ravens and Titains game in Tottenham Hotspur Stadium for the game on Oct. 15, 2023.
The Ravens beat the Titans 24-16 on Sunday at Tottenham Hotspur Stadium. (Heather Diehl/for The Baltimore Banner)
Fans cheer for their team during the Baltimore Ravens and Tennessee Titans match up in London on Oct. 15, 2023.
Ravens fans cheer during the game. (Heather Diehl/for The Baltimore Banner)
A fan shows off her bedazzled Ravens hat. (Heather Diehl/for The Baltimore Banner)
A ravens fan nervously watches the second half of the Ravens and Titians game in Tottenham Hotspur Stadium on Oct. 15, 2023.
A fan nervously watches during the tense moments of the second half. (Heather Diehl/for The Baltimore Banner)
A fan decked out in Ravens gear cheers during Sunday's game. (Heather Diehl/for The Baltimore Banner)
(Heather Diehl/for The Baltimore Banner)
Fans celebrates the Ravens win against the Titans in Tottenham Hotspurt Stadium on Oct. 15, 2023.
Fans of many NFL teams made it to Tottenham Hotspur Stadium for Sunday's game. (Heather Diehl/for The Baltimore Banner)